How Long Do Tires Last?

Even if you’ve been driving for decades, you may still not know how long your tires last. Like most car parts, several factors impact the longevity of your tires—and it’s important to know how to treat yours for maximum efficiency and peace of mind too.
Tunkhannock Ford is here to help you answer the age-old question of “How long do tires last?” We want you to drive comfortably around Tunkhannock, Dallas, and Harveys Lake, PA, and that begins with research to amplify your everyday adventures. Let’s dig in.
How Often Do Tires Need to Be Replaced
Typically, tires can last anywhere from 25,000 to 50,000 miles, depending on their design, driving conditions, and basic maintenance. However, it’s important to note that multiple factors influence this estimate—including Pennsylvania’s varied terrain and climate. Additionally, high-performance tires, while offering better grip, may wear faster than all-season tires.
As such, we recommend replacing your tires every six years to stay ahead of the curve. However, it’s important to note this number varies as well, depending on the vehicle manufacturer's recommendation—as well as the tire manufacturer’s warranty. If you’re unsure, refer to your owner’s manual or contact our expert service team.
Regular tire maintenance is key. Tires should be rotated every 5,000 to 8,000 miles and kept at the correct pressure, as the manufacturer recommends. Inconsistent tire pressure, especially in fluctuating temperatures in areas like Tunkhannock, can lead to uneven wear.
When to Replace Old Tires
Knowing when to replace tires is critical for road safety. One common method to check tire tread depth is the penny test. Insert a penny into the tread with Lincoln's head facing down; if you can see the top of Lincoln's head, it's time for new tires. Other warning signs include:
  • Bulging or cracked sidewalls
  • Tire pressure light illuminates
  • Car shakes while driving
  • Poor traction
  • Tires older than 10 years
Each of these common signs is a clear indicator that your tires need attention. Although these individual signs could point to unrelated issues, any sudden changes to your regular driving conditions may indicate the need for a tire replacement.
How to Extend Your Tires
Luckily, it’s easy to further extend the lifespan of your tires. By keeping a keen eye on the condition of your tires, you can maximize the performance and tread of your tires. For example, we recommend checking your tire’s air pressure every 3,000 miles; this helps your vehicle's handling, fuel efficiency, and acceleration.
  1. Regular Tire Rotations: By rotating your tires every 6,000 to 8,000 miles, you can ensure even wear, enhancing the tire's lifespan.
  2. Regularly Inspect Tires: Check for any debris or damage when possible. Even the smallest damage can lead to prolonged air loss or tread loss.
  3. Balancing and Alignment Checks: Misaligned or unbalanced tires lead to faster wear. Regular checks, especially after hitting potholes common in Pennsylvania roads, are crucial.
Find Your New Tires at Our Dealership
You deserve to drive with peace of mind day in and day out. Tunkhannock Ford offers a wide selection of tire services—from rotation to alignment and installation, too. When you service your vehicle with us, you no longer have to wonder how long tires last—you can drive with added assurance knowing you have tires that will keep you protected for the road ahead.
Schedule an appointment with our service center near Tunkhannock, Dallas, and Harveys Lake, PA, to get started. Before you know it, you’ll be driving smoother than ever before.

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